We have all heard the saying, “you only get one chance to make a first impression.” With that in mind Jones Engineering prides itself on how it’s plant and equipment look. Our Marketing Department prides itself on the branding of our company assets and how everything appears. When your name is on something that is visible to the public you must make sure it clearly represents the message you are trying to send out. It is equally as important that the equipment is kept in good, clean and tidy condition. Impressions are perceived through appearances and a dirty, untidy vehicle or work area will give the impression that the people working there are dirty, careless and untidy and not likely to do a good job. Above is a picture of a van that a member of the Lean Department came across. Does this look like someone you would expect to do a good job. The first impression is of someone who is un-organised and careless. He now only has half a windscreen to see out of plus there is the risk of boxes or other items falling under his feet whilst driving.