Lean Times

LCi Corporate Membership

“On behalf of the Board of Lean Construction Ireland (LCi) I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for becoming a corporate member of the LCi.

As a corporate member you have become part of a national community of leading Irish companies and organisations who are not just demonstrating their support for the LCi and its vision and objectives, but also demonstrating a commitment to deliver capital programmes and projects differently by adopting Lean thinking and practices.

Lean Construction Ireland is a voluntary not-for-profit organisation and the support of our corporate members enables us to put in place the necessary resources to operate and function in the required manner. In particular to deliver on our commitment of providing free and open information and knowledge exchange on Lean thinking and practices which we do through our website, our webinars, our annual Book of Cases and the various regional events held throughout the country.

Thank you again for becoming a corporate member and for your support to Lean Construction Ireland.”

We believe the value the construction sector brings to the Irish economy can be significantly increased through the adoption of Lean, and the business plan we are putting in place for 2019/2020 identifies key breakthroughs we believe will act as a catalyst for change and move the Irish construction sector forward in value terms.

Richard Fitzpatrick

Chair of Lean Construction Ireland