Lean Times

5S in a van – JJ Cahill shows us how

During a recent visit in Galway the Plant Department met up with JJ Cahill from our Maintenance Division. JJ is an employee who takes his work seriously and knows that preparation is as important as doing the actual job. His van has been kitted out to the old cliché of “A place for everything and everything in its place”.

There are compartments for all of JJ’s tools, kit and ladder. Not only do these compartments show where everything is and occupy the minimum storage space in the van, they also protect the expensive tools and meters etc. from being damaged whilst being transported in the van. This is a classic example of the Lean tool 5S in operation. Jones Engineering has over 80 commercial vehicles on the road. JJ’s van should be the template we use to show how a mobile work station should be fitted out.